
Yeti goes to San Francisco!!

Almost 2 years ago (June 2 2007) I was in a shoe shop in SL and up to me came a gorgeous woman. I was busy shopping so of cos she had to wait for me to answer her… Typical Yeti! Well we started talking and we had just a short time cos she was in a hurry.
There was something different about her. She wanted to meet the next day again so we did. From that moment on we have been on a journey and we still are.

Tomorrow I’m going to San Francisco to meet her IRL!
I can’t believe its true! I’m really going to meet Jeela Juran’s IRL alt, my wonderful and talented business partner at Boingo. At 2.30 pm SLT I’ll be hugging her! I have only seen one IRL picture of her so I guess I’ll be searching ‘til my eyes bleed. She has seen some more pictures of me but I have lost 77 pounds since those photos and I am no longer dark… I’m blonde! LOL how will we ever find each other??

What do they wear in San Francisco?
What do I pack?

Ok here I am at the airport in Gothenburg!

I'm at the right gate at Heathrow!

Jeela!!! Here I come!!!!!
