

Happy New Year!



Hearty welcome to the Swedish Institute

21:00 Swedish Time
Noon Second Life time.

A crayfish party is a traditional summertime eating and drinking celebration in the Nordic countries. The tradition originated in Sweden, where a crayfish party is called a kräftskiva. The tradition has also spread to Finland via the Swedish-speaking population of that country.
Crayfish parties are generally held during August, a tradition that started because crayfish harvesting in Sweden was, for most of the 20th century, legally limited to late summer.
Today, the “kräftpremiär” date in early August has no legal significance. Dining is traditionally outdoors, but in practice the party is often driven indoors by bad weather or aggressive mosquitoes:) Customary party accessories are comical paper hats, paper tablecloths, paper lanterns (often depicting the Man in the Moon), and bibs. A rowdy atmosphere prevails amid noisy eating and traditional drinking songs (snapsvisa). It is culturally correct to suck the juice out of the crayfish before shelling it.
The Swedish Crayfish Party at stage:

21-22 Angelica Svenska
Angelica is a very cute girl from Sweden with the voice of an angel and some cool rhythmic guitarplaying.She got her first guitar when she was 6 years old, but started playing more seriously when she was 17. Angelica has an eclectic taste in music and has written a couple of her own songs, but in addition to that she plays covers of songs by : Jason Mraz, Take that, Colbie Caillat, Neil Diamond.. etc. Angelica loves to entertain in Secondlife and never fails to please her ever growing following.Check her out , you will not be disappointed!

22-23 Ernst Edman
One more of our famous Swedish artists in SL - he sings country - and are welcome back as we all remember him from last years succé at Lucia:-)

23-24 Jazon Zimer - DJ
Hi, my name is Jazon and i work as a DJ in Second Life. I play mostly techno, house and random high-bpm "party music". I come from Sweden and are 28 years old. Iv been djing about a year where it at first started as some fun with a couple of friends and now im a working djin Second Life.
By: Swedish People in SL and funded by the Swedish Institute.
To know more about Swedes in Second Life have a look at Tina (PetGirl Bergman)´s blogg:


Thanx PetGirl!!

PetGirl Bergman has written about us in her famous blog!

Thanx a lot girl!!

//Yeti- on the RL beach...


BoingO Headquarters @ Nelson Bay!

We have been talking about getting our own SIM for about year now.
Finally it has become a reality!

Come with me on a journey through the creation of the Boingo SIM.

We started brainstorming! How about this? No! How about that?

Jeela is the creator and I am the thinker. We both know that absolutely nothing happens when I think so she began building.
Some days passed and then Jeela IM:d me… "Come Look!"
She had made a typical Boingo store! Wonderful!!

Jeela had made such a cool texture. It looked like as if the light were floating from the roof and base mouldings.
Everything was really nice and cool! But… The more Jeela built, the more I realized what a hard work it would be for me to make all the vendors look right on the round walls. Should I maybe rebuild them to fit the walls? I felt terrible when I gave my input. Am I so amazingly lazy? Jeela laughed, but soon realized what I meant. Let me think she said.
A few days later she presented a SIM for me. We were very excited and happy!
Would our dreams finally come true?
Jeela had really been thinking and she sent me a sketch of her new idea for the store building. It looked absolutely wonderful and I asked her to continue building it.

When the foundation was finished, I started planning the interior design.

We talked about several different styles that we wanted for the house and tried lots of different textures. Since Jeela is good at this we decided that she would have a free hands.
One day when I logged in I had an IM from Jeela. “Go see what you think!” I was completely thunderstruck! It was beyond my imagination! It felt like coming home!

All vendors are up!
Its time for the inauguration!

Welcome July 1!

//Yeti - the BoingO buzy bee!!


Indie Rock for RFL Carnival 2009!

Indie Rock for RFL is back for a second year to bring together music and design to raise funds and awareness for Relay for Life, benefitting the American Cancer Society.

Last year we raised over a million Linden dollars in a weekend, this year we're coming back bigger and better, hoping to do even more!

Please join us for five days of music spun around the clock, brought to you by some of the finest indie music DJs in SL! Our double-sim carnival features interactive amusement park creations from Carnivale by Atom Burma, shopping on the boardwalk filled with items generously donated by over fifty of your favorite SL designers, live concert performances, auctions, and more!

The park opens at 11am SLT on May 13, runs long as you want to be here, on May 17. 100% of all proceeds from the entire event goes directly to Relay for Life, so come out to dance and donate, an amazing party for a very important and worthwhile cause. See you there!


Abe & Jade

Remember Abe Kondor?

That was the guy who asked me to marry him a zillion years ago.
Well we split and last Sunday I went to his wedding as his best man… or what ever you call it.

Following convo is taken from open chat:

Ernst Edman: We have gathered here on this lovely island tonight to make this happy couple Husband and Wife. As im not a friend of long ceremonies and that I already can see that you two love each other i prefer to go straight to the point.... Marriage is a holy institution created by god and the strongest way to connect two people who love each other and i have understood that you two do so.

Ernst Edman: Abe, you may now declare your wows

Abe Kondor: Jade… From the moment you came into my SL, I knew my life would never be the same again. Jade… You are the light in my life like the sun to the earth. You always makes me want to be a better man. Jade… Being with you I feel complete. Im honored to even be able to call you my wife. You are the most amazing, loving and caring woman in this world. I will love you forever and always..................
Jade… Now you are mine !

jadestarz Magic: xx

Ernst Edman: Jade, you may now declare your wows.

Jade declared her wows in voice but wrote it down for us also.

jadestarz Magic: Abe, I take you to be my lawfully wedded Husband
I vow to love and care for you in the good times and the bad,
for as long as we both shall share our SL lifes.
Forsaking all others I will love only you
with all the passion and caring I have to offer
I take you completely as you are and offer myself to you as I am
I will be there for you whenever you need me
and I will never let you be lonely
You are my soul mate and my best friend
I can’t imagine sharing my life with anyone but you. I love you so much you have made my SL life complete. Xxxxx

Abe Kondor: :)

Ernst Edman: Abe, do you take this beatiful Jadestarz Magic as your wife and promise to love her for the rest of your second life?
Abe Kondor: Yes I do (He said this in voice and I must say it didn't sound like him at all...)
Ernst Edman: Jade, do you take this Abe Kondor as your husband and promise to love him for the rest of your second life ?
jadestarz Magic: i do xxx
Ernst Edman: I now declare that you officially are husband and wife and you may kiss each other.

Kiss 6 (Walk version) whispers: Resetting

The party started and we all danced for a while. When Jade started singing in voice Musse and I decided to go home. We danced on our own beach and talked about the future…

I know Abe is happy now!
He loves Jade very much and I feel I can leave him in warm and loving arms.


Love Yeti!


New vendor for the Skin Store

I had no idea people actually followed this blog. As a total surprise they asked me to write in English again so…

Today when Jeela and I met we asked the great scripter Miros Torok to come and help us setup his new vendor. Miros made a great vendor that will help us so much with the prims. Instead of 26 prims for each vendor we are down to 2 prims. That will help us so much!!

Jeela read and did every step in the notecard Miros made. He guided us in voice and I must say it’s amazing that we can all talk to each other even though we are on separate places in the world.

Soon you will see it on our store!!

Interested in buying one??
Wait I’ll ask Miros… BRB…

He says…
Miros Torok: between L$1 and K$123986584 is ok

Jeela gave Miros a small amount of Lindens as a thank you for this and he went off and bought… a dragon of cos!!

My sweet darling Miros!!!
I love you in ALL of your shapes!