
Abe & Jade

Remember Abe Kondor?

That was the guy who asked me to marry him a zillion years ago.
Well we split and last Sunday I went to his wedding as his best man… or what ever you call it.

Following convo is taken from open chat:

Ernst Edman: We have gathered here on this lovely island tonight to make this happy couple Husband and Wife. As im not a friend of long ceremonies and that I already can see that you two love each other i prefer to go straight to the point.... Marriage is a holy institution created by god and the strongest way to connect two people who love each other and i have understood that you two do so.

Ernst Edman: Abe, you may now declare your wows

Abe Kondor: Jade… From the moment you came into my SL, I knew my life would never be the same again. Jade… You are the light in my life like the sun to the earth. You always makes me want to be a better man. Jade… Being with you I feel complete. Im honored to even be able to call you my wife. You are the most amazing, loving and caring woman in this world. I will love you forever and always..................
Jade… Now you are mine !

jadestarz Magic: xx

Ernst Edman: Jade, you may now declare your wows.

Jade declared her wows in voice but wrote it down for us also.

jadestarz Magic: Abe, I take you to be my lawfully wedded Husband
I vow to love and care for you in the good times and the bad,
for as long as we both shall share our SL lifes.
Forsaking all others I will love only you
with all the passion and caring I have to offer
I take you completely as you are and offer myself to you as I am
I will be there for you whenever you need me
and I will never let you be lonely
You are my soul mate and my best friend
I can’t imagine sharing my life with anyone but you. I love you so much you have made my SL life complete. Xxxxx

Abe Kondor: :)

Ernst Edman: Abe, do you take this beatiful Jadestarz Magic as your wife and promise to love her for the rest of your second life?
Abe Kondor: Yes I do (He said this in voice and I must say it didn't sound like him at all...)
Ernst Edman: Jade, do you take this Abe Kondor as your husband and promise to love him for the rest of your second life ?
jadestarz Magic: i do xxx
Ernst Edman: I now declare that you officially are husband and wife and you may kiss each other.

Kiss 6 (Walk version) whispers: Resetting

The party started and we all danced for a while. When Jade started singing in voice Musse and I decided to go home. We danced on our own beach and talked about the future…

I know Abe is happy now!
He loves Jade very much and I feel I can leave him in warm and loving arms.


Love Yeti!



Anonymous said...

De va väl fint.....
