
Trojanvirus Congrejo

Sometimes everything happens all at the same time.

I mean… the same weekend as we opened our wonderful skin store, Trojanvirus had an exhibition with some of his stuff. Well to be honest, it was only about a 1/5 of his stuff maybe. In my inventory I got a folder with more stuff of his that I can count.

Jeela and I made an area in our Headquarter for Trojanvirus’s gadgets. I wish that that area was huge so all SL could see how talented this man is. Not just the Swedes! He makes me feel like I wanna go inside his brain and see what happens there. His brain is definitely something else then the rest of ours.

Btw… Abe’s soup kitchen was there too. And a
t the bottom you see my own “Yeti race bicycle strykboard”.

Thanx Trojanvirus for many laughs!!!



Anonymous said...

oj det var inte dålig reklam jag fick :-)

Tack Yeti


Yeti Voom said...

Puss på dej min goa vän!

Jesper Prinz said...

Verkar vara ett kul ställe:) Skicka ett LM är du snäll:)